
この頁は作物学に使用する英文用例集検索プログラム(英文用例データベース付)です. 元々はPrologで単語から使い方を検索するためのもので,使い方は「Prologによる作物 学英文用例集のデータベース化」(日作九支報 58:81-,1991)を参照.
もっとも,ブラウザの検索機能を利用し,このまま本頁後半にある英文用例の検索ができる. 自由にご利用可.ここの頁(又は用例のみ)をコピーし,各自が文献で見た役に立つと思われ る用例をどんどん自分のファイルに追加されたい.キーワードは入れなくとも可.


aa([breeding],'Breeding for increased nitrogen fixation').
aa([evaluate,sight,feel],'Cotton lint has been evaluated by … ').

そして,“マイ ドキュメント”からでも入り,そのファイル名上でダブルクリックすれば立ち上がる.



/*   作物学英文用例集                                            */
/*                                                                    */ 
/*       "db." と入力してスタートせよ.1-3 個のキーワードで検索せよ. */
/*        T.Yoshida('88.2)                                      */
/*        岩波コンピュータサイエンスprolog-kaba入門参照        */ 
 write('1-3;ワードで例文検索  6; キーワードリストをキーワードで検索 0;Help'),nl,
 write('7; 全キーワード  5; 全用例  8; 残量  4; 用例数  9; 終了'),nl,
 write('0-9 を入力 '),read(I),ss(I),nl.
ss(I):-I is 0,!,job0.   /* Help */  
ss(I):-I is 1,!,job1.   /* 1 word inquiry for usage */
ss(I):-I is 2,!,job2.   /* 2 words inquiry for usage */
ss(I):-I is 3,!,job3.   /* 3 words inquiry for usage*/
ss(I):-I is 4,!,job4.   /* Total no. of entries in this data base */
ss(I):-I is 5,!,job5.   /* Listing all entries  */
ss(I):-I is 6,!,job6.   /* Keywords inquiry by keyword */ 
ss(I):-I is 7,!,job7.   /* Listing all keywords */
ss(I):-I is 8,!,job8.   /* zanryou chousa   */
ss(I):-I is 9,!,nl,nl,
      write(' 終了  再スタートは "db."   f・5  でMS-DOS へ'),nl.
ss(I):-!,nl,nl,write(' 正しい番号を入れ直して下さい.'),nl,fail.
 write('*** Help ***'),nl,nl,
 write('"1"  1 キーワードで例文検索. それで沢山出過ぎたら'),nl,
 write('"2"  で 2 キーワードで検索する. "3" は 3 キーワード.'),nl,
 write('"7" は全キーワードを出力する. "2","3" で検索する前に'),nl,
 write('"6"  でキーワードリストの検索をしたらよい.'),nl, 
 write('"5"  は全文例を出力.    "4","8" は通常不要.'),nl,nl,
 write('入力は "." で終わる. 大文字,スペースを含む時は'),put("'"),put(" "),put("'"),
 write(' でキーワードをくくる.'),nl,
 write('データ追加訂正は edit を使用. Good luck !!'),nl,nl,fail. 
job1:-write('キーワード ? '),read(KEY),aa(X,Y),
job2:-write('キーワード 1 ?'),read(KEY),
      write('キーワード 2 ?'),read(KEY2),aa(X,Y),
job3:-write('キーワード 1 ?'),read(KEY),
      write('キーワード 2 ?'),read(KEY2),
      write('キーワード 3 ?'),read(KEY3),aa(X,Y),
      write('このデータベースには" '),write(N),write(' "個の例文あり.'),
job6:-write('キーワード ? '),read(KEY),aa(X,Y),member(KEY,X),count(N),write(X),
      nl,fail;clock(N),nl,write('ヒット スウ ; '),
      aa(X,Y),write(X),write(' '),fail.
aa_list(X,Y):-nl,write('キーワード: '),write(X),
              nl,write('例文 : '),write(Y),nl.
count(N):-clock(M),N is M+1,retract(clock(M)),assert(clock(N)).
ent_co:-clock(N),nl,write('ヒット スウ : '),write(N),reclo.
/*  以下データ. ; aa([キーワード],'例文')    */
aa([breeding],'Breeding for increased nitrogen fixation').
aa([weed],'Weed control in soybean').
aa([herbicide],'Genetically controlled differential responses to herbicides within species').
aa([hormon],'hormonal control mechanisms').
aa([assimilate,partition],'assimilate production and partitioning').
aa([yield,production],'yield physiology and production practices of major agronomic crops').
aa([weed,control],'control of annual weeds in corn,small grains and forages').
aa([environment,herbicide],'effects of environment on herbicide activity').
aa([herbicide,action],'herbicide mode-of-action').
aa([breeding,method],'breeding methodology').
aa([biotechnology],'application of biotechnology to corn improvement').
aa([yield,culture],'cultural practices and cropping systems for maxmum economic yield').
aa([breeding,yield,quality],'soybean breeding for adaptation,yield,disease resistance and market quality').
aa([correlate,'high degree'],'The results of the two tests correlate to a high degree'). 
aa([heterozygous,homozygous,allele],'Roan shorthorn cattle are heterozygous for an allelic pair in which the corresponding homozygotes are, respectively, red or white.').
aa([allele,homozygous,heterozygous],'A rare allele in man, producing a very severe anemia in the homozygous condition, causes only a mild anemia when heterozygous.').
aa(['natural selection'],'All plants have been subjected to natural selection').
aa([breeder,'germ plasm'],'the basic materials with which  the plant breeder works is the available supply of germ plasm.').
aa([variability],'The total variability among organisms has both hereditary and environmental components').
aa(['autumn barley','spring barley','yield advantage'],'Autumn sown barley often have a marked yield advantage over spring sown barley').
aa([uniculm],'Theoretically, uniculm(single stemmed) varieties palnted at optimal distances, with no gaps, should give the best yields.').
aa([increase,reduce],'Increasing light intensisty at first increases then reduces plant height.').
aa(['whole palnt',above-ground],'whole plant. above-ground parts.').
aa([tiller,ear],'Not all viable tillers carry ears and not all the tillers survive to maturity.').
aa([row],'At harvest, 3.5 m of the three center rows were cut, bagged, oven-dried, and threshed.').
aa([experiment,arrange,random,replication],'The experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications.').
aa([plot,row,'seeding rate'],'The plots consisted of three rows, 2.4 m long and 30 cm apart, with a seeding rate of 5 g/plot.').
aa(['emergency crop','double crop','cash crop'],'Buckwheat is usefull as an emergence crop, in double cropping system, or as a cash crop.').
aa([tend,vegitative],'Long-maturing lines tended to have a long vegetative period.').
aa([range,maturity],'The range in maturity among the cultivars was 4 days when they were grown in the field.').
aa([replication],'There were three replications.').
aa([maturity,harvest,bulk,progeny,seeding],'At maturity each parent line was harvested in bulk and a random lot of seed was used in seeding a 1.8-m progeny row on 19 Apr. 1976.').
aa([check,seed,row],'The 110 lines in each population and the checks were seeded 12 May 1975 in single 1.8-m rows at St.Paul, Minnesota.').
aa([replication],'Three replications were employed.').
aa([row],'In three trials, rows were 30 cm apart.').
aa([grain-filling],'He concluded that length of the grain-filling period was not important in determining yield in 10 wheat cultivars.').
aa([relation,grain-filling],'He reported a positive relationship between the length of the grain-filling period and grain yield in corn.').
aa([associate,sowing-to-heading],'He observed that long sowing-to-heading period tended to be associated with high yield in barley.').
aa([significant,'probability level',lsd,student],'7Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at the 0.05 probability level as determined by the lsd method using studentized range.').
aa([resistant,rust,'mederate resistance'],'Cree is highly resistant to stem rust and has moderate resistance to spot bloch.').
aa([replicate,randomize,design],'All experiments had four replicates of a randomized complete block design.').
aa([correlation,significant,'for 1975'],'Correlations between A and B were significant(P<0.01) but low with r=0.361 and 0.311, for 1975 and 1976, respectively.').
aa([weed,control],'Weeds were controlled by hand and machine cultivation').
aa([moisture,emergence,irrigate],'Soil moisture was adequate during the emergence period, and the plots were irrigated during the growing season when necessary.').
aa([ph,soil,'optimum yield'],'Soil ph, P and K were adjusted as recommended for optimum yield.').
aa([yield,row,plot],'Yields were based on 4.9 m of the middle row of the plots.').
aa(['cone planter',row,space,plant,deep],'All seeds were planted 3.8 cm deep by use of a cone planter, and the space between rows was 0.9 m.').
aa([germination,seed],'Germination percent was based on two replicates of 100 seed.').
aa([yield,row],'Yield was determined on 4.9 m of row.').
aa([plant,deep,rate,seed,row],'The seeds were planted 3.8 cm deep at a rate of 6 seeds/0.3 m of row in sandy and heavy type soils.').
aa([row,plot,plant,data],'Rows 5 m long were planted, and data were collected on the center 3 m of both rows in each plot.').
aa([rate,plant,row,seed],'The planting rate was 30 seeds/m of row.').
aa([cultivar,line],'The cultivars "A", "B", and the experimental lines C and D were selected for their high yield potential and resistance to race 1 of --').
aa([transgressive,segregation],'They observed transgressive segregation for yield in all populations.').
aa([association,yield,'combining ability'],'He reported good association between parental yields and general combining ability in interspecific crosses in cotton.').
aa(['plant introduction',source],'Plant introductions are extensively used as sources of pest resistance in backcrossing programs.').
aa(['source of gene',cultivar,introduction],'The major source of genes for current cultivars is about 11 plant introduction.').
aa([cultivar,six-rowed,awn,hull,hair],'Cree is a six-rowed, rough-awned spring barley. The kernels are hulled, medium size, and have short rachilla hairs and white aleurone.').
aa([average,yield,cultivar],'It averages slightly lower in yield than Larker.').
aa([gene,resistance],'It has the t gene which confers resistance to rust.').
aa([cultivar,yield,exceed,'regional trial'],'Grain yields of "Cree" have exceeded "Larker" by 6 % in Minnesota and 11 % in regional trials.').
aa([cultivar,release],'Cree was released in Feb. 1972.').
aa([cultivar,develop,originate,select,cross],'"Cree" barley was developed at the University of Minnesota. It originated from a single F5 plant selected from the cross AxB which was made in 1961.').
aa([barley,salt-tolerant,more],'Barley is among the more salt-tolerant crops.').
aa([awn,'water loss'],'The awns are major sites of water loss.').
aa([flowering,maturity,succesive],'Under uniform growing conditions in Idaho, the period from flowering to maturity was 26 days in three succesive years.').
aa([moisture,determine,'ground sample'],'Grain moisture are determined by heating a ground sample for exactly 4 hr in a slow stream of chemically dried air at 105 C.').
aa([assorment,grading,sieve,grain],'The "assortment" or grading is found by passing the grain over a siries of mechanically shaken slotted sieves and noting the proportions by weight that occur in each fraction, e.g. < 2.2 mm, 2.2-2.5 mm,2.5-2.8 mm and >= 2.8 mm.').
aa([coleoptile,leaf,auricle],'Coleoptile reaches soil surface. Leaves appear. Each leaf is "visible" when the auricles appear.').
aa([erect,'flag leaf'],'Downy wheat has erect flag leaf at heading.').
aa([correlation],'Correlation between years, over plant densities, indicated ...').  
aa([inbred,line,genotype,susceptibility],'Ten inbred lines of sorghum representing different degree of susceptibility to MDMV were chosen for this test. The genotypes were NM-31,BTx378..., and QL-3.').
aa([cultivar,pot],'Two cultivars of soybean, "Clark-63" and "Jupiter", were grown in 1-liter plastic pots.').
aa([yield,row,plot],'Grain yield was determined on the 4 central rows of each 6-row plot.').
aa([seed,row,advantage,yield,plot],'Trials with drilling seed in 10 cm rows, with 2.5 cm between seeds, showed an advantage of 11-13% in yield over conventionally drilled plots.').
aa([lodging,lodge,score,visually],'Lodging-Visually scored on a percentage basis, with 100% being completely lodged.').
aa(['research purpose',request,provide,acknowledge],'25 seeds of the line will be provided for research purposes upon written request and agreement to appropriately acknowledge the source in publications reporting results from use of the materials.').
aa([cultivar,selection,represent,genotype,'plant height'],'Twelve cultivars and selections were chosen on the basis of plant height. "Larker" represented "normal" tall genotype, while " ", " " represented semi-dwarf genotypes.').
aa([induce,flower],'Two determinate genotypes of soybean, Ramson and D72-8126, were induced to flower simultaneously.').
aa([line,cultivar,evaluate,field],'Thirteen lines of winter-hardy peas and six cultivars of spring peas were evaluated in the field at Moscow, Idaho.').
aa([weight,'plant fractions',dry,oven],'Weights of the plant fractions were taken after drying 48 h at 80 C in a forced-ventilation oven.').
aa([plot,thinned,tiller,remove,vegetative,emergence],'All plots were thinned carefully to precise spacings 17 days after emergence and tillers that appeared during the vegetative phase were removed by hand before they reach 50 mm in height.').
aa([trait,compare,'analysis of variance',duncan,'range test',mean],'Traits measured in each-environment were compared among the cultivars by means of a standard analysis of variance and Duncan"s new multiple range test.'). 
aa([tiller,'seed bearing'],'The number of seed bearing tillers was counted.').
aa([spike,plot,kernel,spike,'number of kernel','kernel weight'],'The spikes were randomly collected from each plot for determination of number of kernels per spike. Kernel weight (g/1000 kernels) was obtained by counting the actual number of kernels in a 30 g sample of grain.').
aa([concentration,'N','dry basis'],'The mean concentration of NO3--N plus NH4+-N was 7.8+-2.8 mg/kg(dry basis).').
aa([experiment,soil,farm],'The experiment was conducted between May and October 1980 at the Agronomy Farm of the Universisty of California at Davis(121。45、W, 38。30、N, ca. 20 m elev.) on a deep Zamora loam soil.').
aa([border,row],'The ends of each row were bordered by an additional 1.2 m of row.').
aa([experiment,on,in,farm],'Experiments were conducted on the Agronomy Farm, Urbana, Il, in 1983 and 1984.').
aa([sample,harvest,'taken weekly','up to the time'],'Plant samples in 1980 were taken weekly from 15 days after the first harvest up to the time of the second harvest.').
aa(['solid-seeded',rate,row,plot,spacing],'Alfalfa was solid-seeded on April 1980 at a rate of 17 kg/ha and at a 0.18-m row spacing.').
aa([row,plot,harvest,thresh],'A 4.9-m length of the four center rows of each 12-row plot was harvested by hand at maturity and threshed with a stationary thresher.').
aa([weight,seed,moisture,yield],'Seed weight was adjusted to 13%(w/w) moisture and seed yield expressed as kg ha-1.').
aa([row,plot,rate,'germinable seed'],'Row width was 0.13 m and each plot was 12 rows wide and 6.1 m long. Seeding rate was 52 germinable seeds per m2.').
aa([treatment,fertilize,'by hand',plant],'At planting, all treatments were fertilized by hand with 72-98-60 kg ha-1 of N-P-K.').
aa([result,analyze,'ANOVA','LSD',regression,appropriate],'Results were analyzed by ANOVA, LSD, or simple linear regression where appropriate.').
aa([yield,average,high,short,cultivar,heading,similar],'The average yield of Norwin was 10% higher than Winalta. Norwin is about 27 cm shorter than the above cultiver, and has a heading date similar to it.').
aa(['winter hardiness',equal,recommend,cultivar],'The winter hardiness of Norwin is at least equal to "Winalta", currently recommended in Montana.').
aa([cultivar,adapt,first],'Norwin is the first semidwarf hard red winter wheat cultivar adapted to Montana.').
aa([cultivar,rank,yield,nursery,entry,location],'Bliss ranked 7th, 14th, and 1st in average yield, respectively in the 1980, 1981, and 1982 Regional Spring Wheat Nurseries which consisted of 35 to 37 entries grown  at 17 locations.').
aa([cultivar,yield,test,nursery,'during 6 years of testing','respective cultivars'],'The average yields of Bliss and Dirwin during 6 years of testing in two sourthern Idaho irrigated nurseries were 6081 and 5934 kg ha-1, respectively. Test weights of the respective cultivars were 750 and 771 kg m-1.').  
aa(['stiffer straw','slightly better resistance',lodging,cultivar],'It has stiffer straw and has slightly better resistance to lodging.').
aa([cultivar,milling,comparable,similar,hardiness],'Rosen has good milling quality comparable to Archer. Rosen has winter hardiness similar to that of Oasis.').
aa([cultivar,'plant type',similar,plant,leaf,upright],'Plant type of Rosen is similar to that of "Roland". Plants are blue green with leaves that are upright and wide.').
aa([cultivar,mature,short,'about 5 days later'],'Rosen usually matures about 5 days later than Doublecrop and is approximately 8 cm shorter.').
aa([cultivar,outyield,location-year],'Rosen outyielded "Oasis" by 13 % over 65 location-years.').
aa([cultivar,recommend,area,'production problem'],'Cree is recommended for those areas of Montana where stem rust is not a production problems, since it is susceptible.').
aa([cultivar,overall,quality,'micro scale test','plot scale test'],'The averall malting quality of Cougbar is similar to Morex based on micro and plot scale tests.').
aa([cultivar,class,promise,malt,feed],'Cougbar is classed as a feed barley with promise as a malting type.').
aa([cultivar,head,'about 3 days later'],'Showin heads about 3 and 8 days later than A and B, respectively.').
aa([resistant,'about 27% more lodging resistant'],'It is about 27% more lodging resistant than XX and is similar to OO.').
aa([range,culm],'Its culm length generally ranges between 55 and 65 cm.').
aa([yield,location,year],'It yielded 112 and 114 % of "Boyer" and "Kamiak", respectively, over 24 location years.').
aa([adapt,area],'Showin is best adapted to the dryland areas of eastern Washington.').
aa([cultivar,release,select,generation,test,cross],'"Showin" barley was released in 1985 by the WSU. It was selected as a plant row in the F4 generation derived from a single F3 plant of the cross A/B made in 1971. The selection subsequently was tested as WA2905.').
aa([progressive,until,later],'Grazing until Mar. 6 or later, progressively reduced the leaf area index.').
aa([increase,rate,cause,reduction,'early season'],'Increasing application rates caused a significant reduction in early season plant height.').
aa([increase,decrease],'Leaf rust increased with increasing N fertilization and decreased with increasing P fertilization.').
aa([yield,'yield benefit',benefit,split,'N'],'There was no yield benefit from splitting the N.').
aa([yield,increase,apply,maximum,rate],'Significant yield increases were obtained from applied N up to the maximum rate of 80 pounds per acre.').
aa(['N',topdress,split],'N was applied both as a single Feb. topdressing and as a fall-Feb. split.').
aa([sample,increment],'Root samples were taken to 5 feet in 6 inch increments 60, 77 and 90 days after planting.').
aa([barley,cultivar],'It has lax spikes with up to 10% errectiod types. Yhe awns are rough and long and glumes have medium length hairs. The kernels are mid-long and moderately plump with smoothe adhering hulls, short rachilla hair, prominent veins, and a white aleurone.').
aa([appreciation,acknowledgment],'Appreciation is expressed to Dr. XX for thier roles in off-station yield testing in XX.').
aa([backcross,line,cultivar],'Cree was selected as shatter resistant backcross derived F4 line. The pedigree is X/4*Y. X is shatter resistant. Following each backcross, F3 progeny from shatter resistant F2 plants were used in additional backcrosses with the recurrent parent Y.').
aa([differentiate,producer,replace,cultivar],'The brown glumes will help producers differenciate it from the shatter susceptible recurrent parent Cheyenne, which Cree is intended to replace.').
aa([quality,similar,satisfactory],'The milling and baking quality, test weight and flour protein percentage are similar to X and satisfactory.').
aa([release,'yield potential'],'Rosen was released primarily for its yield potential.').
aa([resistant,race,incite,virus,mildew],'It is resistant to soil-borne mosaic virus, but susceptible to several races of powdery mildew incited by XX.').  
aa([average,yield,through,trial,year],'The average yield of X in 1980 through 1982 Montana trials was 10,15 and 27% higher than Y,Z,and T, respectively.').
aa(['analysis of variance',random,year],'In the analysis of variance, years were considered to be random.').
aa([experiment,design,replicate,plot],'The experiment employed a split-block design(density assigned to the main plots) with five replications.').
aa([regression],'The regression slope of an isotype against the environmental mean was used to indicate an isotype"s environmental interaction over the studied environments.').
aa([symptom,'moisture deficiency'],'No symptoms of moisture deficiency were evident at any time.').
aa([yield,rotate,continuously],'Corn usually yields more when rotated with soybean than when grown continuously.').
aa([objective,study,'due to',influence],'Our objective of this study was to determine whether the increase in rotated corn yield is due to a positive influence of the soybean or to the absence of a negative influence of continuous corn.').
aa([treatment,year],'Each treatment consisted of a 3-yr cropping sequence.').
aa([field,study,'N',conduct],'Field studies were conducted in 1983 and 1984 on a Greenville sandy clay loam to determine the influence of applied N on above-ground biomass,--,and the grain protein of five wheat cultivars.').
aa([biomass,yield,maximize],'Biomass and grain yield were maximized with 106 and 94 kg N ha-1,respectively.').
aa([increase,decrease,'N rate','yield components'],'As N rate increased, grain protein, tiller density, and kernels per head increased, while harvest index and kernel weight decreased.'). 
aa([data,retrieve,computer],'Data can be easily retrieved and transfered to either a mainframe or desktop PC computer for analysis.').
aa([computer,system,'data collection'],'The objective of this project was to design a computerized system for collecting of yield, test weight, and related agronomic data from a small grain variety-performance testing program.').
aa([display,store,memory],'All data are displayed and temporarily stored in a ranndom access memory(RAM) file of Model 100.').
aa([file,store,diskett],'Data files are permanently stored on microfloppy diskettes in triplicate.').
aa([data,store,'RAM',diskett],'Yield and test weight data for about 400 plots can be stored in the RAM before data transfer to diskettes is necessary.').
aa([copy,printer,data],'A hard copy of the data is provided by the thermal printer.').
aa([data,computer,communication],'Data RAM files in the Model100 are uploaded to a mainframe computer or an IBMPC for analysis using commercially available communication software, or the Model 100S built-in moderm and TELCOM feature.').
aa([microcomputer,software,data],'Practical applications of portable microcomputers and related software to directly acquire and store data are being developed to enhance research productivity and reduce errors.').
aa([microcomputer,data],'Recently, microcomputer-based systems have been developed to obtain leaf-area measurements, serve as a dedicated datalogger,and obtain weights to calculate yield.').
aa([acknowledge],'The authors with to acknowledge the excellent technical assistance provided by R.K. and S.R..').
aa([yield,lodging,expence],'Grain yield and resistance to lodging currently require major emphasis in maize breeding programs. Selection for high expression for one of these characters is often at the expense ofthe others.').
aa([heritability],'Heritabilities estimated by parent-offspring regression were high for days to R1 and R8,and for plant heights except for days to R1 in one population.').
aa([objective,compare],'The first objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of seedcoat mutants in several cultivars in comparison with the normal isoline.').
aa([difference,'no difference'],'There were no differences in seedling emergence,--,or yield among isolines of the different cultivars except for a 9% difference in seedling emergence for cone cultivar and -- in these tests.').
aa([experiment,material],'The experimental material consisted of the 45 F1"s from a 10-parent diallel with no reciprocals, the 10 parents, and five hybrid checks grown in 2yr under two water regimes.').
aa([differ,environment,treatment],'Hybrids differed significantly and consistently across environments for the two inoculation treatments but not for the noninoculated.').
aa([expression,seem,depend,environment],'The expression of resistance seems to depend upon the environment, especially for F.moniliforme.').
aa([classify,resistant,necrosis,inocultion],'Plants were classified as resistant or susceptible based on the presence or absence of leaf necrosis 5 weeks after inoculation.').  
aa([resistant,dominant,allele,designate],'The BSR resistance in L78 is conditioned by a dominant allele,designated RBs1,and the BSR resistance in PI43 is governed by a dominant allele different from RBs1,designated RBs2.').
aa([appreciation],'The authors express appreciation to M.S.,agronomy research technician, Univ. of N,for his laboratory assistance during the course of this study.').
aa(['F1 seed','F2-derived'],'The F1 seeds,F2 seeds from F1 plants,and seeds from replicated tests of F2-derived lines were evaluated for the ---.').
aa([quantitative],'The results indicated that fatty acid composition should be considered a quantitative character in crosses that involve A5 as a parent.').
aa(['frequency distribution',quantitative],'The frequency distributions for linolenic acid were continuous and typical of that expected with a quantitatively inherited character.').
aa([gene,confer],'This evaluation indicated that -- is conferred by a single recessive gene.').
aa([gene,control],'In the peanut,nonnodulation has been reported to be controlled by both duplicate ressesive genes and a single resseseve gene.').
aa([selection,affect],'Selection based on fruit yield did not affect pod weight and seed count.').
aa(['little information'],'Little information is currently available describing N nutritional effects on canopy CO2 exchange rate.').
aa(['N',treatment],'Two N treatments were imposed; an unfertilized treatment, in which no fertilizer was applied, and an N-fertilized treatment, in which 100kg fertilizer N ha-1 was applied in the form of NH4NO3.').
aa([decrease,greater],'The decrease in "m" after anthesis was much greater than the decrease in protein concentration.').
aa(['C',photxosysthesis,yield],'Only about 60% of the C taken up daily by crop photosysnthesis contributes to yield.').
aa([model,yield,temperature],'The model indicated that reducing the night temperature by 10 C would increase the yield  by about 4%.'). 
aa(['partial correlation'],'Partial correlation coefficients with the effect of maturity removed were positive between seed yield and CAP(r=0.63),seed-fill period(r=0.54),and ---.').
aa([correlation,'partial correlation'],'Simple correlation coefficients and partial correlation coefficients after removing the effect of maturity for the relationship between seed yield and other traits.').
aa([bulbosum,flowering],'H.bubosum is a perennial with winter growth habit that must be given a low temperature(10C or less)and short-day treatment(8 to 10 hours of light) for about 8 weeks to induce flowering.').
aa([bulbosum,pollinate],'Heterozygous plants of diploid H.vulgare are emasculated,and 2 days later pollen from diploid H.bulbosum is used to pollinate the flowers.').
aa([diploid,evaluate,generation,'conventional selfing procedure'],'The diploid individuals are evaluated in subsequent generations for their agronomic characteristics,in the same manner as lines developed by conventional selfing procedure.').
aa(['major gene','multiple genes',gene],'Time of maturity of soybean is controlled by several major genes and by multiple genes with small effects.').
aa([derived,'F2',line],'F2-derived line in F8 = F2.8 line').
aa([heterozygous,homozygous],'An individual is heterozygous(Aa)when two different alleles are present at a locus and is homozygous(AA or aa)when the same alleles are present on both chromosomes.').
aa([outcross,'less frequently'],'Outcrosses occurred less frequently at the early planting date(18%) than at the late-planting date(47%).').
aa(['flag leaf','first leaf'],'The first leaf below the flag leaf averages 1.4 cm in width and 15 cm in length.').
aa(['60CO',semidwarf],'Short Mars is a semidwarf selection from a 60CO X2 population of the medium-grain cultivar "Mars" made at Davis, CA.').
aa(['winter nursery','generation advancement'],'Winter nursery facilities in Hawaii and PuertoRico were used for generation advancement and seed increase.').
aa(['parental line',inbred,'GCA'],'Parental lines A,B and C are yellow corn inbreds developed by --;each demonstrates good general combining ability and reasonable lodging resistance,both equivalent to or better than their parents (D and E) under North Carolina conditions.').
aa([combine,inbred],'A,B and C combine well with inbred lines related to Mo17 and Oh43 and with several sourthern inbreds.').
aa([objective,evaluate,gain,selection],'The objectives of this study were to evaluate plant characteristics related to water uptake and determine potential for genetic gain by selection.').
aa([allele,resistance],'Two major dominant alleles for resistance have been found in "Tracy-M",each of which conditions complete resistance.').
aa(['F2',ratio,segregate],'The F2 population from a cross between these two experimental lines segregated in a ratio consistent with 15 resistant:1 susceptible under natural infection in the field and when inoculated by the toothpick method in a greenhouse.').
aa([homozygous,allele,loci,resistance],'The results indicated that X1 and X2 were homozygous for different dominant alleles at the two loci responsible for resistance to stem canker from Tracy-m.').
aa([yield,less],'The smoothleaf line yielded 30% less lint per plant than the hirsute cultivar.').
aa(['lower yield',attributable,yield],'Lower lint yields in both smoothleaf lines mainly were attributable to fewer bolls per plant.'). 
aa([selection,resistance,on],'Effect of selection "for" downy mildew resistance "in" alfalfa "on" saponin content.').
aa(['F1',reciprocal,maternal],'The F1 seed was intermediate in oleic acid content with reciprocal crosses showing maternal effects.').
aa([class,retio,backcross,fit],'The backcross populations utilizing the low oleic parent as recurrent parent produced two classes of oleic content, intermediate and low, and we obtained a good fit to a 1:1 ratio.').
aa(['chi-square',fit,goodness],'A chi-aquare analysis for goodness of fit of segregation in 3:9:4 classes was not significant as P>0.05 for the four classes.').
aa([backcross,transfer,gene],'This study was conducted to evaluate a backcross strategy for transferring genes for high seed protein from a low-yielding plant introduction to high-yielding lines with average protein content.').
aa([thank],'The authors also thank Dr.X for providing soybean germplasm.').
aa([plant,partition,devide,'by position'],'Plants harvested were partitioned into stem, leaf blades by position on culm, and spike components. Spikes were devided into individual spikelets by position on the rachis.').
aa([evaluate,sight,feel],'Cotton lint has been evaluated by classers, who are experts in judging fiber quality by sight and feel').