Author, title and abstract of literatures of pedigree analysis of several crops, relationship between kinship and DNA markers and programs in Prolog by Yoshida and co-workers are listed.
CP ; coefficient of parentage, CI ; coefficient of inbreeding.
Ab ; abstract. * ; full text in Japanese with English summary. ** ; full text in English.
1. Pedigree analysis of self-fertilization crops
K. Mizuta and T. Yoshida. Agric. Info. Res. 3:65-78 (1994).
Construction and Use of a Datebase from Malting
Barley Crossing Records.
Ab; Recent lines were about 10th generation's from Golden melon, the number of original cultivars was a very few, CP between Golden melon and them were large (40%) and the gene pool was extremely narrow. Prolog program on MS-DOS was used.
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K. Mizuta and T. Yoshida. Agric. Info. Res. 5:57-67 (1996).
Coefficient of Parentage and Its Relationship to Quality in
Wheat Cultivars.
Ab; 7 ancestors contributed 66.9 %. Cultivars related to 'Asakazekomugi' had low flour whiteness, showing poor combining ability in quality though it was used as cross parents extensively. Cultivars related to 'Kanto 107' had high maximum viscosity values.
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K. F. Oosato and T. Yoshida. Japan. J. Breed. 46:295-301 (1996).
Coefficient of Parentage in
Rice Breeding Lines and Its Relationship to
Eating Quality.
Ab; 7 ancestors contributed more than 70 %. Significant correlation between CP to Koshihikari and eating quality showed that we could estimate combining ability of eating quality by the CP. CP of candidate crosses showed 40 % had the value more than 0.5, which could produce high eating quality.
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T. Yoshida and K. F. Oosato. Plant Prod. Sci. 1:296-297 (1998).
Difference with Rice Cultivars in the Rate of
Root Regeneration from Embryo Callus and Its Relationship with the Genetic Background.
Ab; Genotypes related to Koshihikari tended to have a low root induction rate in embryo callus. Those related to Nishihomare had a high root induction rate.
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T. Yoshida and S. Imabayashi. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 67:101-103 (1998).
Genetic Background of Highly Palatable Cultivars of Rice.
Ab; The highly palatable cultivars showed high CP with 'Koshihikari'. The high-yield cultivars showed low CP with Koshihikari, while showing high CP with 'Shinrei', 'Toyotama', and 'Hoyoku', which were grown extensively in northern Kyushu with low CP with highly palatable cultivars.
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T. Yoshida. H.Y.Lu ed., Proceeding of 3rd Asian Crop Science Conference, Taichun, Taiwan. 404-412 (1998).
Pedigree Analysis of Rice, Barley and Wheat
Ab; For
rice, malting barley and wheat modern Japanese cultivars, pedigree analysis was conducted. Comparison among these crops was conducted.
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A. Shigemune, K. Miura, H. Sasahara, A. Goto and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 75(2):153-158(2006).
Pedigree Analysis of Rice Bred in
Hokuriku Research Center.
Ab; For 143 varieties in Hokuriku Natl Agr. Exp. Stn, the total ancestors increased from 1980s and it reached 1122. The average CP between Koshihikari and 16 Hokuriku Lines was 0.463, having no significant correlation with eating quality. Kinuhikari contributed to improvement of eating quality.
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H. Ohta, I. Ando and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 75(2):159-164 (2006).
Grouping of Rice Breeding Lines According to Coefficient of Parentage and the Relationship between Severity of
Leaf Blast, Eating Quality and Coefficient of Parentage.
Ab; CP between 'Kanto' lines formed clusters relating to 'Koshihikari', 'Kotikaze' and 'Nipponbare'. There was a cluster having low CP with 'Koshihikari'. Significant correlation between CP and eating quality was not found at breeding lines with good eating quality and high resistance of leaf blast. Good eating and high disease resistance with wide genetic background could be combined.
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H. Sato and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 76(2):238-244 (2007).
Pedigree Analysis of Rice Breeding Lines in
Fukushima Prefecture.
Ab; For rice in Fukushima, breeding lines showed high CP to Asahi and Norin 22. A negative correlations of Cp to Norin 1 and yieid was found in comparative varieties, but not in breeding lines, showing yield improvement of breeding lines. Positive correlation of CP to Koshihikari or Norin 22 and eating quality was found for comparative varieties but not for breeeding lines.
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Takako IIda and Kazuhiko Oya. Rep. Kanto Br. Crop Sci. Soc. Japan 23:54-55 (2008).
Pedigree Analysis of Rice Cultivars Developed in
Tochigi Prefecture:
Ab: Six ancestors contributed 79.4%. CP to Koshihikari was 0.5 - 0.9, averaging 0.627, with no correlation to palatability.
T. Ushiyama, K. Nakamura, Anas and T. Yoshida.Plant Prod. Sci. 12:80-87(2009).
Pedigree Analysis of Early Maturing Wheat Cultivars in Japan.
Ab; For Tozan line, Chunaga contributed 24.0 % of the genetic background.
KS831957 showed positive effect for crude
protein content of flour.
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T. Sotome, M. Oozeki, S. Kobayashi and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 78(3): 344-355 (2009).
Pedigree Analysis of Two-Lowed Brewing Barley Breeding Lines in Tochigi Prefecture.
Ab; For
brewing barley in Tochigi, ancestors most contributed were Harunanijo (CP ave. 0.457), Misatogolden (0.442) and Goldenmelon (0.396). CP with disease resistance parents were very row as 0.125~0.008.
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T. Yoshida, Anas, S. Rosniawaty and R. Setiamihardja. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 78(3): 335-342 (2009).
Genetic Background of
Indonesia Rice Germplasm and its Relationship to Agronomic Characteristics and Eating Quality
Ab; IRRI cultivars accounted for the largest part of the genetic background. Ciapus could be used as cross parents for higher yield.
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(cross data)
S.Kobayashi, T.Sotome and M.Oozeki. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 79(1): 37-43 (2010).
Pedigree analysis of two-rowed
malting barleys developed from multiple breeding programs
in Japan
Ab; Cluster nalysis based on CP could distinguish the breeding programs by old breeding lines but not recent materials.
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2. Pedigree analysis of outcross/vegitatively propagated crops
T. Yoshida. Japan. J. Breed. 36:409-415 (1986).
Inbreeding coefficient and yield in
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) LAM.).
Ab; The yield decreased when CI was higher than 0.2 and not decreased when lower than 0.1. The crosses with CI higher than 0.1 - 0.2 should be avoided. PISP for animal breeding in MAFF was modefied and used through TSS.
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Y. Inaba and T. Yoshida. Hort. Res.(Japan) 5(3):219-225 (2006).
The Inbreeding Coefficients of Recently Developed Cultivars and the Relationship between Inbreeding Coefficiets and Yield in
Ab; Correlation of CI and yield was significant -0.37. CI less than 0.3 showed no inbreeding depression. CI of recent June-bearing type was more than 0.2. It was less than 0.1 of ever-bearing cultivars except 'Summer Princess' and 'Kiminohitomi'. Crossings among 15 June-bearing cultivars resulted CI from 0.067 to 0.440 and average 0.210. Prolog on Windows was used.
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K. Taguchi, K. Nakatsuka, H. Takahashi, K. Okazaki and T. Yoshida. Breeding Research 8:151-159 (2006).
Relationship between the Coefficient of Parentage and Sugar Yield in
Sugar Beet F1 Hybrid.
Ab; The correlation between the CP and sugar yield was R2=0.92. The CP increased by 0.1 and the sugar yield decreased by 4%. In the majority of the hybrids with a high yield, the CP was below 0.1. In this study, program for outcross crop was used assuming that common ancestor had CI of 1 for self-fertilized parent and 0.5 for male sterile parent. Changing the latter value 0.3 - 0.6 resulted no large discrepancy.
3. Relationship between kinship and DNA markers
Y. Uchimura, M. Furusho and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 73:410-415 (2004).
Relationships between Coefficient of Parentage and Genetic Distance Based on DNA Polymorphism in
Barley Cultivars.
Ab; A significant correlation (-0.526 to -0.650) between CP and Nei's genetic distances was found among 22 cultivars. Thus, the validity of the CP between two cultivars, which are calculated assuming that cultivars derived from the crossing have half of the genetic materials of each parent, was supported by the genetic distance estimated from DNA polymorphism.
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S. Kobayashi and T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 75(2):175-181 (2006).
Relationships between Coefficient of Parentage Estimated from Pedigree Record and Genetic Distance Estimated from DNA Polymorphism in
Wheat and Barley Cultivars
Ab; Correlation between CP and number of the same DNA markers was 0.581 to 0.904 in wheat and 0.731 to 0.805 in barley. The correlation between CP and Nei's genetic distance was -0.511 to -0.892 in wheat and -0.659 to -0.770 in barley. The number of the same DNA markers was highly correlated with Nei's genetic distance.
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O. Ideta, I. Kono, Y. Takeuchi, H. Hirabayashi, M. Hirayama, H. Ohta, H. Sato, I. Ando, H. Kato, H. Nemoto, M. Yano, T. Imbe, M. Yamasaki and T. Yoshida. Breeding Research 14:106-113 (2012).
Genetic Diversity and Relationships between Coefficient of Parentage and Genetic Distance Estimated by SSR Markers in Japanese
Rice Cultivars
Ab; A total of 226 SSR markers were used among 124 rice cultivars. The coefficient of correlation between CP and genetic distance ranged from -0.20 to -0.88.
4. Programs in Prolog & Web service
K. Mizuta, A. Sasaki and T. Yoshida. Agric. Info. Res. 5:19-28 (1996).
Prolog Computer Program for Evaluation of Coefficients of Parentage and Its Application to the Analysis of Pedigree of Malting Barley Cultivars.
Ab; A program for CP for self-pollinating crops was written in Prolog on MS-DOS, in which any pair could be computed. Only three ancestors contributed 70 %. 'Harunanijo' showed CP as high as 0.561, having a significant correlation (0.421) with malting quality.
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T. Yoshida. Agric. Info. Res. 7:97-104 (1998).
Modification of a Coefficient of Parentage Assuming the Existence of
Mutual Relationship among Original Introductions - In case of modern cultivars of rice and barely -.
Ab; Original introductions for first crossings are assumed not related to each other. Simulation showed CP for modern cultivars were calculated with little bias even if original introductions were closely related.
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T. Yoshida. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 72:309-313 (2003).
Inbreeding in Several Recently Bred Cultivars of Vegetatively Propagated Crops.
Ab; Program for computing CI was written in Prolog. CI of potato was smaller than sweet potato and strawberry. CI of strawberry was very high beyond the reported critical value. Discrepancy of old ancestors had little effect on CI.
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T. Yoshida. Rep. Kanto Br. Crop Sci. Soc. Japan 19:54-55 (2004).
Windows Prolog Computer Program for Pedigree Analysis of Crop Cultivars.
Ab: Prolog programs for CP, CI and pedigree tree in MS-DOS (Prolog-KABA & WING) were rewritten into Windows (AZ-Prolog for Win32).
T. Yoshida, Anas and T. Inaba. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 78:92-94 (2009).
Construction and Use of Pedigree Analysis Web.
Online web service system for a pedigree analysis was constructed.
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